Proving of Lepidolite, A mica gemstone
Remedy Abbreviation: undetermined
Los Angeles School of Homeopathy, 2010
Jason-Aeric Huenecke CCH, RSHom (NA)
Avghi Constantinides, Director of the Los Angeles School of Homeopathy, collected flakes of the substance from a piece of Lepidolite carried by a colleague, a “very grounded” psychiatrist, to keep himself grounded while working with patients. The substance prepared by Homeopathic Laboratories, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
The proving consisted of 16 provers (14 females, 2 males). The remedy administered in 30C potency with two placebos. The proving was double blind format in which neither the master prover, supervisors nor provers were aware of the substance they were taking. During the proving, provers logged symptoms on a daily basis and were in daily contact with their supervisor until symptoms subsided.
Prover and Supervisors: Los Angeles School of Homeopathy
Theme Work: Lori Foley
Editor: Suzanne Joyce
Please contact us to source this remedy.
Articles and Other Printable References
Lepidolite Theme Document (26 pages) (PDF)
Lepidolite Full Journal (sorted by Section) (39 pages)
"Teamwork - A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction!”
Larry Kersten, American Sociologist
Components: Potassium, Lithium, Alumina, Silica, Oxygen, Flouride
SYNONYMS: Lilalite, Lithium mica
Lepidolite is an uncommon mica, it is an ore of lithium and forms in granite masses that contain a basic potassium lithium aluminum fluoro-silicate; it is transparent to translucent, in colors of lavender, lilac, gray-white, pink, purple, rose-red, violet, and violet-gray, yellowish, white, translucent; colorless to pale pink in thin section. It has a luster of pearly to vitreous. Formed in granite pegmatites, derived by metasomatic replacement of biotite or muscovite; in some high-temperature quartz veins, greisens, and granites; it is one of the major sources of the rare alkali metals rubidium and caesium.
Potassium (K10.07%K2O 12.13 %
Lithium (Li)3.58 %Li2O 7.7%
Aluminum (Al)6.95 %Al2O3 13.13 %
Silicon (Si)28.93 %SiO2 61.89 %
Hydrogen (H)0.26 %H2O 2.32 %
Oxygen (O)45.32 %
Fluorine (F)4.89 %F 4.89 %
Originally named lilalite, from the Hindu ‘lila’ meaning play or game. Scientists eventually renamed the stone lepidolite, from the Greek lepidos ‘scale’ and lithos ‘stone’. The reference is to the scaly appearance of lithium flakes in the mineral.
Most often mined as small, scaly crystals in dense aggregates, and as micaceous masses and groupings, and in flaky, foliated, scaly forms, and tabular; it has large crystals, which are in stubby pseudohexagonal form, Lepidolite is much rarer than the other micas. It appears in micaceous rounded ball-shaped aggregates and in massive form with tiny glittery crystals. It has a physical tendency to flake off, for small pieces to peel off.
ASSOCIATED MINERALS: Amblygonite, beryl, cassiterite, columbite, elbaite, feldspar, micas, quartz, spodumene, topaz, and tourmaline.
OCCURANCES: Stewart Mine, Pala, California, USA, Tanco Mine, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada, Brazil, and Ural Mountains, Russia.